Thursday, 7 March 2013

Mock-Up of Music Magazine Cover Layout

After analysing many magazine layouts I have produced this generic layout plan for use in my front cover. I have drawn inspiration from a vast source of other music magazines because I wish my front cover to be as authentic and professional looking as I am able to produce. This is only a rough guideline I have set for myself however and slight variations may be made to the design in the final product. The boxes shown are set simply to provide a visible guideline for where the majority of the content shall be seen, in the final design it is more than likely that sections shall overlap each other (for example, the main image shall be overlaid with the main cover line and barcode). As well as this there is no plug shown as I have not yet decided where I would like to place it, I intend to do so once I have produced an early copy of the final design.

(various different magazine layouts)

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